The sculpture follows the same participatory creative process as the painting in the curved living room curved lounge of the Fondation Suisse, namely the logic of the exquisite corpse.
"Le cadavre – exquis – boira – le vin – nouveau." (André Breton, Paul Éluard: Dictionnaire abrégé du surréalisme. Éditions José Corti, Paris 1938)
A process that may seem paradoxical in the face of Le Corbusier's architectural theories, but which represents a way of thinking specific to an artistic period, as well as all the contradictions of a character all the contradictions of a figure who left his mark on the world's cultural panorama.
Inspired by the exquisite corpse method, the residents got together on a Saturday afternoon to question their collective subconscious. The drawings then gave shape to a sculpture sculpture created by artists Anna Keitemeier, Sared Ramírez and Christophe Constantin.